Please read this if you are a Puget Sound Energy Customer
We all know it has been a tough year, and Puget Sound Energy recognizes that for many families, the financial struggles associated with COVID-19 are not by any means over. So, PSE created the COVID Bill Assistance Program to help customers with their energy bills.
The COVID Bill Assistance Program offers:
Up to $2,500 in additional utility bill payment assistance.
Up to $2,500 to forgive past balances for customers who received energy assistance in the past.
Extended payment plans up to 18 months.
The option to change your energy bill’s due date to help with monthly budgeting.
PSE is committed to being a trusted community partner and doing whatever it takes to get our Puget Sound families through this challenging time. In 2020, we made over $9 million in bill assistance available to over 15,000 customers, and now they’re ready to do even more. If you in any way need financial assistance or have questions on any PSE assistance program don’t hesitate to get in touch with them.
If you are a PSE customer, learn if you qualify by visiting