We are proud to be affiliated with many non-profit organizations who work hard to support those in need throughout our region and state. We share a unifying mission to help the hungry and help our neighbors.
Emergency Food Network
If you live in Pierce County, WA, outside of our service area, and have food or other needs, Emergency Food Network may be able to help you.
Click on the Emergency Food Network logo to visit their website, and then click on the link at the top right side of their toolbar entitled “Get Help”. You’ll find information for food and other kinds of assistance.
The Emergency Food Network is not a food bank - they are a referral service that can help you find other food banks and services.
Emergency Food Network Website: http://efoodnet.org
Phone: 253-584-1040
Sumner Community Food Bank receives weekly food deliveries from Emergency Food Network, and also shares bulk surpluses of fresh food when it cannot be fully utilized by our local community prior to spoiling. This ensures that we are best stewards of the food that is generously donated to us.
Food Lifeline
For food assistance outside of Pierce County, Washington, click on the Food Lifeline logo to visit their website and then click on the link on their top tool bar entitled “Need Food?”.
Food Lifeline Website: https://foodlifeline.org
Phone: 206-545-6600
Toll Free: 877-404-7543
Northwest Harvest
For food assistance in the state of Washington, click on the Northwest Harvest logo to visit their website and then click on the button on the bottom right side of their home page entitled: “Need food? We can help”.
Northwest Harvest website: http://www.northwestharvest.org/
Sumner Community Food Bank receives monthly food deliveries from Northwest Harvest, and also shares bulk surpluses of fresh food when it cannot be fully utilized by our local community prior to spoiling. This ensures that we are best stewards of the food that is generously donated to us.
United Way of Pierce County
Call South Sound 2-1-1, a comprehensive information and referral service, as your first step in connecting with essential health and human resources, including assistance with counseling, health care, housing and shelter and much more.
South Sound 2-1-1 call center is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with 24-hour voice mail.
call toll free at 1-877-211-WASH (9274)
email United Way, including your zip code or telephone number: 211@uwpc.org.
United Way of Pierce County Website: www.uwpc.org
Washington's Basic Food provides monthly grocery benefits.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, called Basic Food in Washington, helps people with low incomes make ends meet by providing monthly benefits to buy food.
Learn more about the program here: dshs.wa.gov/esa/community-services-offices/basic-food
Meals on Wheels
Are you a senior in need of delivered food, or do you want to gather for some food and friends? Meals on Wheels provides older Americans with nutritious meals and safety checks at little to no cost to the customer. If you struggle with isolation and meal prep for the week, then Meals on Wheels could be exactly what you're looking for.
Learn more about Meals on Wheels & visit this great guide, which walks you through the program.
Find a Meals on Wheels provider near you.
Other Community Resource Guides
Northeast Pierce Resource Guide
DHS Reduced Cost Service Guide
Guía de servicios costo reducido