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Sumner/Bonney Lake Food Bowl
Football Game
Sunset Chev Stadium, Sumner HS
Friday, October 24 - 7pm
Come Walk with Me 5K
Sat, October 4, 2014 - 9am
Old Cannery Furniture, Sumner

Come out and help fundraise to support women in the Sumner community through MultiCare Good Samaritan's "Her Piece of Mind" program. 


While you're there, stop by the Sumner Food Bank booth at the Old Cannery to say hello and pick up an energy bar to help you make it the whole 5K way. 

Cheer on your favorite high school team - Sumner HS or Bonney Lake HS - and add to the friendly competition on the field by helping your team bring in the most non-perishable food donations to win the Food Bowl!


All food donations gathered on the Sumner HS side will benefit the Sumner Community Food Bank.  Donations for Bonney Lake HS will go to the Bonney Lake Food Bank.  

Community Big Give
Sat, November 22 - 9am-11am
Sumner Fred Meyer

Annual Volunteer Thank You Dinner & Meeting


Monday, October 27 - 5pm

Faith Covenant Church




Calling all volunteers!  Bring your spouse and join us for a wonderful dinner to THANK YOU for all that you do!   We will also have a brief meeting to outline the 2014 Food Bank highlights, provide a financial update, and elect the 2015 Food Bank Board of Directors.


We promise a fun evening and hope to see you there!


If you are interested in a Board position, please submit a nomination form at the Food Bank by October 23.

BigGive unites the community of Sumner through generosity and service by providing every economically challenged family within the Sumner School District the opportunity to have a full and complete Thanksgiving meal. 


The Sumner Food Bank is a proud sponsor of the Big Give. 


You can contribute online by visiting the web site at

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